Meet BEEP in the Park @ Civita Park!

  • 04/23/2022
  • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • 7960 Civita Boulevard, San Diego 92108


  • I will field a team of approximately 6 students for this event.
  • I will field a team of approximately 6 students for this event.

Registration is closed

Meet BEEP in the PARK @ Civita Park

The Built Environment Education Program (BEEP)


ALL San Diego County Middle & High School students to a special Earth Day event


at Civita Park * 7960 Civita Boulevard

 Each team of approximately 6 students will construct their own large geodesic dome out of rolled up newspapers (all materials and instruction will be provided). And if that isn’t challenge enough, teams are encouraged to experiment with the finished product in unique ways such as:

· Cover the exterior in colored papers or the comics from the newspapers provided

· Determine how much weight the structure can support

· Toss a sheet over it and see if it can become a club house . . . or

· Develop your teams identify and decorate it as you wish!

The idea behind this DomeSweetDome building project is to get a better understanding about the built environment, lightweight structures, temporary shelter, the strength of triangles, teamwork . . . while enjoying Civita Park.

Registration is FREE.

All materials will be provided. Refreshments and Lunch provided.

Each participant receives a special BEEP T-shirt, sketchbook, yard stick, and more.

Prizes will be awarded.


Thank You to Our Generous Sponsors! 


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